Thank you all so much for taking the time to comment on my 100th post! I really enjoyed reading about everyone’s favorite patterns. I’ll be taking some time off from creating any new ones to enjoy our new little guy who is due in just two months now. Keep checking back in, though, because I have some fun tutorials in mind, and I have lots of Christmas and baby sewing to finish up and post!
Without further ado . . . .

. . . the winning commenter is Megan! Congratulations, Megan! I can’t wait to see what you create with the patterns and fabric. Megan has a great blog that I always enjoy reading at I was just over there checking out her latest post and now I’m craving PW’s steak bites–at 7:30 in the morning.
Don’t forget that you’ve still got today and tomorrow to enter my Sew Mama Sew I-Spy Giveaway.
I was just wondering if you sell the fabric? I love the fabric that you have in the picture of the giveaway{different colored dogs & bones}. If you don’t sell it, could you possibly tell me where you purchased it, or who the designer is?
My son L-O-V-E’s dogs, and I have looked everywhere for a cute fabric like this and have yet to find it until now!!!
Thank you, and Congrats on the 100th post!!!!
Wow! I feel so lucky! I can’t wait for the package! 🙂