I am over at Skip to my Lou today with a tutorial for a Kitchen Gift Set for the Holiday Bake Craft Sew Along.
I think you are going to love this gift set! It is perfect for any of your holiday hostesses. The set includes these sweet fold-over, oven-mitt pot holders . . .
. . . and this pair of pretty, but practical dish towels.
It’s a little early Christmas gift from me to you! But, wait! That isn’t all! I also get to treat you to a SEW Amazing Giveaway as part of our crafty series.
This is one AMAZING giveaway!
We are giving away a fabulous Prize Package worth more than $1000!
$600 JoAnn Fabric and Craft Stores This will get your sewing room stocked and ready to create! Can you imagine?
This singer professional serger will bring your sewing to a whole new level. True to SINGER you will enjoy…
- 2-3-4-5 stitch capability-provides more stitch variety
- 1,300 stitches per minute-professional speed for faster results
- Fully automatic self-adjusting tension system-keeps stitches balanced and even
- Easy threading diagram-easy threading saves time
- Stitch width adjustment-keep seams strong and prevent bunching on any type of fabric.
Simplicity Deluxe Felting Machine Simplicity 12 Needle Deluxe Felting Machine creates felting with ease. Removable needles & foot pedal allow felting with greater speed and precision. Includes: power supply w/ foot pedal, 2 allen wenches, needle shaft with 12 needles inserted (sz 38 needles), 3 replacement needles, tweezers, lint brush, needle guard, instruction book. So cool!
Simply wait for RaffleCopter to load and enter there!a Rafflecopter giveaway
Be sure to check out all the fabulous sewing projects shared this month for this Holiday Bake Craft Sew series going on all month long!
My grandpa crocheted scarves when I was in 5th or 6th grade. He died when I was in 7th grade, but I still have, and wear, his scarf!
My daughter made a snow globe for me with a Christmas picture of her and her sisters from when they were little. I loved it!
Too many to really remember, but the most recent one was a thread catcher that i love.
My mom made me this tunic and skirt and leggings set from fabric that had red lips on it, I loves it!
Oh the flannel I could buy….
What an awesome giveaway! Imagine what fun one could have with a JAF gift card like that…..drool….As far as my favorite handmade gift, I’d probably have to go with the quilt my grandmother made when I graduated from college. It is awesome.
My favorite handmade gift was a lovely tied quilt my great-grandmother made for me.
My favorite handmade gifts were things we received at our baby shower: crocheted receiving blankets that were large enough that we are still using them with our now 2-year old, an afghan, a ring sling, and embroidered burp cloths.
What an awesome kitchen gift set. Great idea for holiday giving!!
Anything my kids make! But the one from when I was younger (a teen) was this fuzzy yellow sweater my grandma made me. It was so comfy, not trendy, but I didn’t care & wore it & wore it. I still have it somewhere.
Love all the gift tutorials! So many talented people out there!
There have been a ton of handmade gifts that I’ve loved. The best would have to be from my mom, who has knitted, crocheted and sewed for all of us since we were young. Some of the standouts are her 3 dimensional teddy bear granny square crocheted blanket I received at the baby shower for my oldest, halloween costumes she made us when we were kids, using no patterns(monarch butterfly, tweety bird, sylvester the cat, and 2 of the seven dwarves, and the flower girl dresses she made me and my sister.
I have a wreath that a very dear friend made for me, it’s so beautiful.
Mine was from my Grandmother. Sadly, she did not ‘give’ it to me as she died before the time came. She had sewn me a baby quilt for the little girl I was pregnant with at the time. She hand stitched the entire quilt but then I lost that baby at 5 1/2 months into the pregnancy. Then my next pregnancy a year later came, however she died before learning about this. (This was a boy) But, while clearing out all of her things after she died, my Mom found the box with the quilt. The box had my name on it and a hand written note inside for me so this gift came too late but was not appreciated any less than any gift I have ever received. It brought tears to my eyes at how excited she was to have her very first great grandchild and then died before I carried one to full term a year later.
My favorite handmade gifts are quilts that were made for me by my grandma and friends when I got married. There is something so cozy about snuggling up in a blanket made by someone you love.
My favorite is my quilt my mom made me as a child. I used it until it fell apart 15 years ago. I sure miss that blanket….
Oh, last Christmas my Mom gave me a gorgeous embroidered snowman wall hanging. Its absolutely beautiful! The amount of work she did, embroidering it – its really big! And she is amazing at embroidery. Moms are the best!
My favorite handmade gift is a quilt that my mom made me out of my baby clothes!
My favorite gifts are anything made by my kids!
What sweet potholders! I love them. My fave handmade gift ever is this: http://makingmorewithless.blogspot.ca/2013/02/a-wall-organizer.html that my friend Suzanne made me for my 30th birthday last year!
What a fabulous giveaway! My favorite handmade christmas gift was the Martha Doll my mom made me as a little girl. I still have her sitting on top of my sewing bookcase!
an angel to adorn the top of my tree made by my mom
I love it!
My most favorite gift I have received. Is a quilt from my friend Kathy. ANd a picture my sister painted for me recently. They both tie for the best.
My favorite handmade gift is a beautiful ceramic Christmas wreath that my grandma painted for us. I hang it with pride every holiday season.
My favorite handmade gift is a quilt that my daughter had made for me.
A quilt my grandmother made for me when I was a teenager. I never fully appreciated it until I started sewing and realized how much goes into making a quilt. My daughter now uses it for her bed.
I received a homemade nursing cover! So cute and I got so many compliments!
My aunt made me a necklace with a druisy stone. It is beautiful and I love it and every single time I wear it, somebody comments on how beautiful and unique it is.
hand painted scarf from my son
A quilt my grandmother made!
The afghans my grandmother crocheted — especially the doll afghans my daughter now uses for her babies!
My favorite hand made gift was a quilt made by my daughter.
The best handmade gifts I ever got were from my grandmother. She made the prettiest Easter dresses, and they always matched hers.
The best gift was a homemade art smock for my daughter. She loved it so much. It was appliqued with little birds. We still have it even though t no longer fits
My favorite handmade gift is a beautiful apron that my mother in law made for me.
Ooh, I sew need this. See what I did there? Haha.
A teacher’s tote. I use it all the time.
The Best Home Made Gifts I ever received were the Dresses my Mother & Grandmother always made for me & I loved all of them !!
The best hand made gifts I ever received has to be the hand knit shawl a friend made me.
Not going to lie…my favorite handmade gift is home made caramel! My sil painted an awesome picture for me last year, I love that a lot too!
My favorite handmade gift was a Kindle cover made for me by a super sweet lady. She even used her printer to print a picture on the fabric before she made the cover. How great is that?!
WOW what an awesome giveaway!!!!! Thanks so very much for the chance to win !!!! Linda Lee
My favorite handmade gift(s) are jewelry my talented daughter creates with her own handmade ceramic beads
How awesome this would be!!
Ma grandmother used to make us socks for Christmas. My grandparents had 20 grandkids and not enough money to buy gifts for every one so she would knit those all year long and gave them to us on Christmas day. They were all grey with two stripes, either red, yellow or blue at the top. I wish I still had a pair!
Crossing my fingers hard I win this package, it would really be a god sent to me, honestly! I am on a fixed income & trying to get my lil home biz running again, money is tight and this would really help me out.
Nice generous giveaway you are doing, I know it cost you a lot out of your pocket to put this together to give to one of us, good luck everyone and bless you for doing this for others!
Woohoo, how exciting is THIS????
THe favorite handmade gift I ever received was a hand-sewn quilt from my grandmother. It was made completely out of polyester leisure suits!
My mom has made cross-stitch wall hangings with my children’s birth stats.
My girlfriend from the Bay Area knits, every birthday she knits me a scarf, or gloves. I have so many beautiful scarves & gloves from her & cherish them along with loving wearing them…
I had a Raggedy Ann doll that my Grandma gave me for years and years until her face basically disintegrated.
A lovely knitting bag made and filled by “online” friends that I’ve not even met… they blessed me during a hard time.
My favorite gift was a Christmas soldier onrnament that my son made me when he was in the first grade.
This is awesome!!! I love the pot holders and towels!
Really need new of both!
My favorite gift was a large raggedy ann my mom made me. I’ve handed it down to my daughter now.
My daughter made me an apron when she was in Home Ec! It was the sweetest thing ever!!
The hand embroidered hand quilted quilt my mama made for me:)
I received a healing heart queen sized quilt from my online Yahoo quilt group, it wraps me in love when I put it around my shoulders. My friends all sent heart blocks together to be pieced, then on to another friend across the country to be quilted, then back across the country to be bound then sent on to be presented to me. This was an amazing gift of love.
I received a weekender bag from a swap a few months ago and I just LOVE IT!
An apron my daughter made me for christmas
My grandma made me a scrappy quilt and I loved it, still do!
A friend of my late grandmother gave me a crochet lace table runner, which was the first to copy when i started crochetting myself! I still have both of them and love them!
A scarf my daughter made me when she was going through a hard time in her like. Thanks for the chance at this give away!!
A scarf from my sister.
A $600 giftcard to my favorite store? Oh, my… what a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance!
Okay – forgot to answer the question… Favorite handmade gift ever received? That’s easy… anything that my boys bring home from school that they made during art class!
My favorite Christmas gift ever were the baby blankets my grandma crocheted for each of my kids! It was more a gift for me, since it meant so much! She has crocheted for years but now has arthritis so bad it hurts to do it. I just mentioned how much I’d love them for the kids and she worked so hard to make them before she truly can’t anymore!
My favorite gift was from my mom at my son’s baby shower. She made him 4 mini sized travel blankie’s to match his big blankie…Maybe it was all of the hormones, but it brought me to tears…
i need this for my girl friend soon to be wife
My favorite handmade gift was an African Rhythm Thumb Piano my girlfriend got for me at Christmas!
When Cabbage Patch Kids first came out, they were so popular my parents couldn’t buy one, so my mom made a look-a-like doll for me that Christmas. Over the years, Jenny acquired lots of handmade clothes too! She was (and still is) one of my favorite dolls.
Would LOVE to win! Thanks for the chance!
A decoupaged recipe box filled with favorite recipes and handmade dividers. It was a wedding gift from my old college roommate.
I love everything my daughter makes me. She’s only 2 so it consists of a lot of macaroni but it melts my heart
My favorite handmade gift that I have received is a set of hand embroidered 7-days dish towels from my mother the year that she passed away. She passed on December 3rd, but she had made sure that all her kids &you grandchildren had their Christmas presents before Thanksgiving. She embroidered around 36 sets if dish towels, she was one amazing lady! I still have not used them and it’s been 11 years.
I love to shop at Joanns
A flannel quilt from my Grandma made with scraps from shirts she made, many of which I remember my Dad and Uncle wearing.
What a great giveaway….unfortunately, I don’t think I have ever recieved a handmade gift….except from my kids, of course. hmmm…..oh well, better reason for EVERYONE one my list to get something handmade this year!
I loved a baby blanket I got for my first baby.
A beautiful knitted afghan made by my grandmother for my mother and passed down to me.
I am a lengthy time back I study your blog and it has extended been stating that you
This is such a CUTE set! I have looked at Skip To My Lou for your instructions on how to make this set, but I am unable to locate it. I am hopeful you would be willing to share them with me. Perhaps post an updated link to where the instructions are? Please email me if you are willing to share. Thank you!