January, February and March are full of birthdays in this house! Today is our oldest son’s 19th birthday, and we spent the whole day celebrating. In the picture above, Sean and Samantha are attempting to keep Charlie from blowing out Sean’s candles for him . . . again!
We started out the day with a few hours of fun at Chuck E. Cheese. A few weeks ago, Sean jokingly told me that he wanted to go to Chuck E. Cheese for his birthday, and because I thought he was serious, we made plans to do just that! LOL! I think Sean decided in the end, though, that a day at Chuck E. Cheese with your younger siblings is not a bad way at all to spend your nineteenth birthday! Everyone had so much fun!

A Slightly Intense Game of Air Hockey with Dad (who stopped by on his lunch break)

Pictures on Chuck E.’s Sketch Machine

After dinner this evening, we had birthday cookie, since Sean doesn’t care for cake, and Sean received presents that ranged from a can of artichoke hearts from his younger sister to money to put towards his car savings!
Happy Birthday, Sean! This next year is going to be full of big decisions and big changes as you graduate and head out into the world. I pray that it’s a year filled with joy, excitement and an amazing sense of accomplishment!
Bonnie, you have such wonderful children. The fact that your family likes to hang out with each other speaks volumes about the character of your babies (even the big ones!) and the quality of your parenting. I truly believe that you reap what you sow (sew!) and you so obviously sow with love and care. <3