Thanks so much to all of you for your patience and encouragement during our few days of messiness while we transferred the site to our new host! We are all up and running now! There may still be a few glitches, but hopefully, we’ll work through them smoothly. If you’re a subscriber, you didn’t get…
Category: Family & Friends
Easter Pictures!
I hope you were all blessed with a wonderful Easter Sunday! We enjoyed an amazing worship service, yummy food, great company and beautiful weather! I was up late two nights in a row last week sewing for our two little guys and our granddaughter. The boys ended up with khaki shorts that I ran out…
Samantha’s Apron!
Samantha loves to help in the kitchen. Actually, she and Ray do a lot of the cooking around here together! She asked for an apron for her birthday this year. Her birthday was not quite two months ago. In my defense, though, I did take her fabric shopping on her birthday, and I took her…
This Time it Really Was Blood
After last week’s nail polish scare, I couldn’t not post about last night’s adventure in parenting. This time there really was blood. (No gory pictures, I promise!) When I arrived home after several hours in the emergency room with my three-year-old daredevil, I found my sewing machine exactly as pictured above. Apparently, that’s exactly where…
At Least It’s Not Blood
Yesterday was one of those days. You know the kind, right? One of those days when things just don’t go as you planned, but you love life anyway? My naptime plans yesterday included a blog post about my living room floor cushions (the ones that you can see up in my new blog banner above)…
A Sewing Soiree!
Oh, my! I had so much fun on Friday night! Sarah of Blue Susan Makes and Caroline of Sew Can She invited me to join them for their first Sewing Soiree! Sarah taught the group how to make her Simple Tote.Caroline brought along some sewing toys for us to play with, including this very cool digital…
Handmade Decor: The Hidden Thermostat
I showed you my TV wall last week along with my solution for making the television disappear: The Great TV Cover-up. Before we even placed the TV on the wall, though, there was another eyesore to deal with. Who put that thing there and why? There are so many more appropriate places for the thermostat….
Handmade Decor: The Great TV Coverup!
This might be my favorite home decor project ever, and I can’t wait to share it with you! As many of you know already, we moved into a new-to-us house this past fall, and we’ve been working since then on decorating it to make it truly ours. We have a very limited decorating budget, so…
Hopeful Threads, Dinner for Two & Big Kid Bibs for Hidden Treasures
Woohoo! It’s February! I have been bubbling over with excitement about today for weeks now! Not only do I have the magnificent privilege of getting to work with Kristy and all of the incredibly giving Hopeful Threads followers this month, but I get to be involved in a project that I know is going to…
Love at First Sight
Have you ever walked into a vintage store, or thrift store, or yard sale, and had something demand that you take it home? I had a lovely afternoon of shopping this past Friday with my two girls, my granddaughter and my oldest daughter’s best friend. There’s this amazing little downtown area not too far from…