This week’s Project Run & Play Challenge is Polka Dots and Stripes. (Have you sewn anything? You should give it a try!) Sunday was my Jamie’s sixth birthday, and he wanted to go bowling. I knew that I wanted to sew a shirt for him, since his birthday is this week, but the idea…
Category: Family & Friends
Christmas Bags for My Nieces with a Little Extra Love Sewn In
I’ve established this really fun annual tradition of sewing new bags for my three nieces each Christmas. I think I’ve shared before that I’ve heard that one of the things they enjoy most about using them is being able to tell their friends that they’re bags are “one of a kind”. This year, I decided…
Christmas PJs 12 Days of Handmade Christmas Projects: Day 12
Yep. This post is a few days late. I finished up Christmas PJs for my two youngest early on Monday morning using the Lazy Days Lounge Set pattern. I had grand plans for adorable Christmas Eve PJ pictures, but this little guy came down with a fever and didn’t want to move from this comfy…
Lee Lee the Lion & Ronny the Robot 12 Days of Handmade Christmas Projects:Day 11
I was afraid that these two little guys were going to be the finishing-at-midnight-on-Christmas-Eve-when-I-should-be-sleeping project! I am so thankful that the raw-edge style finishing on these lends itself well to slightly (or not so slightly) messy stitching. With time running out quickly, I moved through as fast as humanly possible.Lee Lee and Ronny are Freddie’s…
Handmade by Samantha12 Days of Handmade Christmas Projects:Day 10
My kids are all pretty crafty. (I think they come by it naturally.) My 14-year-old, Samantha, is particularly talented at both knitting and drawing, and it’s really exciting for me to see that she’s learned the value in creating one-of-a-kind handmade gifts for her family and her friends. This year, she is knitting quite a…
Making Memories 12 Days of Handmade Christmas Projects: Day 9
This may be stretching the meaning of “handmade” just a little because you can’t really hand-make memories, but you can make plans for things that will help to make memories. For the last several years, we’ve made a point to do something to help make memories each day of Advent. A few Christmases ago, I…
Punched Fabric Ornaments for Our Tree 12 Days of Handmade Christmas Projects: Day 2
Our Christmas tree is covered with a beautiful array of handmade ornaments that range from incredibly intricate design work to designed with love by a two-year-old. It’s such a blessing to unpack them every December and share stories that they bring to mind of Christmases gone by. Adding new ornaments to our collection is a…
Settling In
Our new house is slowly becoming our new home! The moving truck has come and gone.My kitchen no longer looks like a black & white version of Christmas morning aftermath.My beloved Pyrex bowls are safely tucked away in their new cabinet.The rest of the house is starting to take shape, too. Maybe a little slower…
Happy Halloween!
Little Red Riding Hood, the Big Bad Wolf, Granny, the Woodsman, and the Muffin Man, all hope you have lots of fun today, dressing up and gathering treats!
Celebrating Papa
This past weekend, we spent a beautiful Saturday afternoon celebrating the life of my step-dad who passed away unexpectedly several weeks ago. Ralph was “Papa” to my kids and my sister’s kids. He was a rough and tough outdoors-man with an enviable cache of hunting rifles and a beautiful garden full of corn and field…