About two weeks ago now, the boxes were packed and labeled . . . . . . and loaded. (Thanks so much to everyone who came out to help load the truck and to those who watched our little ones so we could get all the last minute details wrapped up! You were a huge…
Category: Family & Friends
Moving Day Is on Its Way!
I think it’s official enough now that I can say, “WE’RE MOVING NEXT WEEK!” The house is under contract. The inspection is done. The appraisal is back. Closing is set for next Thursday. A good bit of the house is packed, and the moving truck will be arriving next Wednesday morning. That’s only 10 days…
New Family Photos! Plus A Little About Choosing the Outfits for Our Session
Woo-hoo! We got our family pictures back! And, I LOVE them! I’m so excited to have beautiful family photographs to display when we’re finally settled into our new home in Florida. Our photographer was Brandi of Brandi Thompson Photography, and she is simply amazing! She does such a great job of showing families actually interacting…
Maple Oatmeal Blueberry Crumble
Blueberry season is just wrapping up here in Texas which I think means it’s probably in full swing north of here. Our house is full of blueberry lovers, so when I was presented with an amazing deal on 1 1/2 gallons of fresh organic blueberries straight from the farm, how could I possibly pass it…
Look What I Found!
I was on the hunt for fabric for a couple of projects yesterday, so I ran up to this quilt shop, just north and east of Dallas, in McKinney. It’s called The Quilt Asylum. Is that not the greatest name for a quilt shop?! I love that they always have a nice selection of the…
Football Backpack for Jamie 52 (Family) Projects in 2012: #14
We have some traveling planned for the summer. Our Florida trip has been delayed for now, but that’s a story for another time. As I was saying, we have some traveling planned for late summer, and Jamie needed a new backpack. He asked for a football backpack, and it so happens that I had multiple…
Allen’s Officially A Teenager!
Allen’s 13th Birthday via Instagram Brunch at IHOP (That Is Some Hot Chocolate!) The Perfect Gift (Mom’s Vying for Allen’s Mom of the Year Vote.) A Carousel Ride with Little Brother (Looking Cool While Killing Time at the Mall during a House Showing) 13 Candles (Make a Wish!) Exactly What He Wanted! (WooHoo!) The Book…
A Long-awaited Apron for Father’s Day52 (Family) Projects in 2012: #12
When I first announced this project, I mentioned that my business draws my attention away from sewing for my family. That is true, but add sewing for my children to sewing for business, and my poor husband gets totally left out in the cold. He asked me to make him an apron for Father’s Day…
Olive the Owl 52 (Family) Projects in 2012: #11
Now that I’m caught up on new patterns, it’s time to get back on track with my 52 (Family) Projects in 2012 Challenge! Over at Hopeful Threads this month, Kristy has announced that this month’s project is sewing for our own families. Kristy even mentioned me and my 52 Projects goal in her monthly project…
High School Graduation, First Meetings, Surprise Parties & Lawn Work
Last weekend was packed full from beginning to end with work, fun, surprises, achievements and beautiful memories. Morgan and Katie drove in from west Texas on Thursday evening, and Ray flew back in from a few weeks in Florida on Friday morning. The weekend started with several hours of chopping and cutting to remove the…