Eeeeek! This is what I woke up to this morning. We’ve had some crazy storms here the last few days, and the gorgeous walnut tree that sits outside of my kitchen window was a victim of one that blew through here during the night. So, instead of typing a post about new patterns, I’m sharing…
Category: Family & Friends
My Real Bread for Real People Recipe
I posted a little last week about our family’s journey towards eating real food. I’m not sure I mentioned, though, what a difference eating real makes in the way all of us feel, and that makes a difference in the way we all behave. The difference really stands out to me when we stumble back…
Texas Babies in the Texas Bluebonnets 52 (Family) Projects in 2012: #8, 9 & 10
I was up until midnight the night before Easter finishing up Easter outfits for Charlie, Jamie and Katie. (Seersucker, again, this year! It’s such a classic spring fabric. I love it!) I was so excited to get pictures of the little ones all together the next day. Sadly, though, storms rolled in during the Easter…
And Even More Birthday Wishes!
January, February and March are full of birthdays in this house! Today is our oldest son’s 19th birthday, and we spent the whole day celebrating. In the picture above, Sean and Samantha are attempting to keep Charlie from blowing out Sean’s candles for him . . . again! We started out the day with a…
Musings on Being a WAHM and Birthday Wishes
I was a Work-Out-of-Home-Mom for years, so I appreciate more than I think I can express how much I enjoy the advantages of being a Work-at-Home-Mom. Some days are really hard, though. If you keep up with my Facebook or my 365, you probably already know that our whole family has been taken out by…
Samantha’s Room Re-do 52 (Family) Projects in 2012: #5, 6 & 7
Samantha’s room was badly in need of some updating. The last time we decorated, she was 9, and while this room is cute at 9, it’s not so hot when you’re 14! A birthday room re-do was definitely in order! The wall mural had to go, but we left the paint color so that the…
2012 in Pictures: Week 9
A Weekend Project ACT Results! Big Sister’s Shoulder The End of a Long Day A Cozy Place to Read Cheap Labor Samantha The Mad Scientist
Still Alive & Kickin’
I’m still here! See! Here’s a picture to prove it. Although, I swear I don’t have that many chins in real life! I think I have some kind of rare (or maybe not-so-rare) blog/email-induced attention disorder. It seems that whenever I sit down to type a blog post or answer emails, I’m quickly distracted by…
2012 in Pictures: Week 8
Facetime with Katie Studio Still Life Hanging from the Trees Katie’s Smile Dance with Me, Sister! A Friday Night Movie Mini Lightsaber Battle
2012 in Pictures: Week 7
Happy 2nd Birthday, Charlie! Difficult Sewing Happy Valentines Day! Sean & Jamie Time Mix, Mix, Mix . . . Cold Defense Testing the Waters