Each year, I sew new bags for my nieces and daughters for Christmas. Last year, with my Messenger Bag Tutorial, I started a tradition of designing a bag for them and sharing it in a tutorial here for all of you to use, too. I’m a little behind on Christmas sewing this year. (There was…
Category: Family & Friends
Merry Christmas!
Praying that you all enjoyed a wonderful Christmas overflowing with joy in the celebration of the birth of Jesus and the hope that He brings to those who believe! We were blessed with a Christmas that was filled with love, laughter, fun, food, family . . . and one very happy little boy with a…
Green Scary Monster Teeth
Not exactly what you expect to see at Christmas, huh? For the last several months, our almost-four-year-old, Jamie, has answered the question, “What do you want for Christmas?” exactly the same way everytime: “Green scary monster teeth.” Hmmmm . . . What’s a momma to do, though, but hunt the world over (or maybe just…
A Few Wedding Pictures & SMS Giveaway Winners
Whew! What a wirlwind of a weekend! The wedding was beautiful, and I’ll have lots of pictures to share over the next week or so. In the meantime, I know you’re all waiting for results from my Sew Mama Sew Giveaways! Up first is the Charlie Tee pattern giveway and the winner is . ….
Getting Closer to Wedding Day!
Last minute wedding preparations are well under way. Friday is Wedding Day! Morgan’s shower was yesterday. Our dear friends, Carol and Rhonda, put everything together beautifully! The food was amazing. Morgan was blessed with many gifts that I know she and Chad will enjoy using in their new home. And, the games were a blast,…
Home, again, grown-up pattern and a peek at some holiday decor
We’re home from our whirlwind trip! Thank you all for your prayers for our travels and speaking engagements. It went very well! We enjoyed a lovely, quiet Thanksgiving dinner at home. Now we’re excited about getting our home ready for Christmas and our oldest daughter’s holiday wedding. Our younger children are working on a little…
A Little Blog Vacation
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers on our trip! I had great plans for blogging about our trip and sharing as we went along, but, as I’m sure you already know, life does not always go as planned. I need to take a bit of a break from blogging for the rest of…
Our Visit to the State Fair
Remember our Texas State Fair submissions from a few months ago? You can see them here. We got to spend a great day at the fair last week. Charlie, above, and Jamie, below, had a blast pretending to be farmers for the day. “I have five peaches, Momma!” Samantha and Allen enjoyed a few rides. Then…
Upcycled Big Brother Fan Shirts
Our two oldest boys, Allen and Sean, both play football, and we love to go out to their games as a family to watch and cheer them on! We usually just buy one or two team shirts for the grown-ups because with a big family, t-shirt costs add up really quickly. This year, though, everyone…
Tags! And a Few Updates
Look what came in the mail yesterday! I’ve been waiting as patiently as possible for these to arrive from Fancyweaver in Hong Kong. They did such a beautiful job with them. I’ll have some of these listed in my store later today in case you want to grab some to sew onto the things that…