Last year, I began a tradition of sharing 12 Days of Handmade Christmas Projects (or at least 12 Christmas projects spread out over 12 days . . . life gets a little busy around Christmas time.) This year, I’m going to incorporate some projects that I’ve sewn for our home and for gifts, as well…
Category: Sewing/Crafts
New Family Photos! Plus A Little About Choosing the Outfits for Our Session
Woo-hoo! We got our family pictures back! And, I LOVE them! I’m so excited to have beautiful family photographs to display when we’re finally settled into our new home in Florida. Our photographer was Brandi of Brandi Thompson Photography, and she is simply amazing! She does such a great job of showing families actually interacting…
Family Photo Sewing52 (Family) Projects in 2012: #16, 17 & 18
We took advantage of having all of our children and our granddaughter in this week and planned a family photo session yesterday with the amazing Brandi of Brandi Thompson Photography! After all the planning and sewing that led up to the session, I don’t know how I’m going to manage the couple of weeks that…
Look What I Found!
I was on the hunt for fabric for a couple of projects yesterday, so I ran up to this quilt shop, just north and east of Dallas, in McKinney. It’s called The Quilt Asylum. Is that not the greatest name for a quilt shop?! I love that they always have a nice selection of the…
Naptime Knit Mud Puddle Splashers
There are still 12 days left to grab the free Mud Puddle Splashers pattern and sew a pair of shorts for the Hopeful Threads’ Little Boys’ Shorts Sewing Project! I thought I’d take advantage of naptime at my house yesterday to show you the quickest way to sew the MPS using knit fabrics. First, knit…
Toot Toot Shortalls for Charlie52 (Family) Projects in 2012: #15
Sadly, Charlie is about to outgrow this pattern. It’s definitely one of my very favorites for babies and toddlers, and outgrowing it means that my baby is approaching the end of his toddler-hood. Soon he’ll be a on to big boy things. For this summer, though, I’m going to enjoy how cute he looks in…
Adding a Back Pocket to Your Mud Puddle Splashers
Ready to add a back pocket to your Mud Puddle Splashers? Go print the pattern to get started: MPS Back Pocket. (Be sure not to select sizing options such as “Fit to Page”. However, you should check the box next to “Rotate and Center”.) First, a little aside from the basic tutorial: When I’m sewing…
Updated, Easier-to-Finish Faux Fly Instructions for the Mud Puddle Splashers
Sometimes after thinking things over, you just have to make a change! As I was working on the pocket tutorial for the Mud Puddle Splashers last night I was reflecting on the pattern itself and wondering if a little update might be in order. The pattern is going together really nicely, and I’m thrilled that…
My Boys’ Shorts Month Contribution & A Little Something Extra
I was able to sneak in just enough sewing time this weekend to complete these four pairs of shorts for the Hopeful Threads July Boys’ Shorts Sewing project, plus one more pair for Charlie. I am donating four pairs of shorts sewn from my Mud Puddle Splashers pattern in honor of our four boys. The…
Football Backpack for Jamie 52 (Family) Projects in 2012: #14
We have some traveling planned for the summer. Our Florida trip has been delayed for now, but that’s a story for another time. As I was saying, we have some traveling planned for late summer, and Jamie needed a new backpack. He asked for a football backpack, and it so happens that I had multiple…