If you’ve hung around here for very long, you already know how much I love Kristy and the work that is done through her charity blog, Hopeful Threads. I was so excited a few months ago when she mentioned her plan to ask all of you to sew little boys’ shorts for the families who…
Category: Sewing/Crafts
The Sunny Days Waterproof Pool & Beach Bag A Tutorial & 52 (Family) Projects in 2012: #13
The Sunny Days Waterproof Pool & Beach Bag is #13 on my 52 Family Projects list, and I put together a tutorial so you can make one for your family, too! Do you feel like you have to pack a zillion things when you head out to the pool? I made this bag huge…
A Long-awaited Apron for Father’s Day52 (Family) Projects in 2012: #12
When I first announced this project, I mentioned that my business draws my attention away from sewing for my family. That is true, but add sewing for my children to sewing for business, and my poor husband gets totally left out in the cold. He asked me to make him an apron for Father’s Day…
Olive the Owl 52 (Family) Projects in 2012: #11
Now that I’m caught up on new patterns, it’s time to get back on track with my 52 (Family) Projects in 2012 Challenge! Over at Hopeful Threads this month, Kristy has announced that this month’s project is sewing for our own families. Kristy even mentioned me and my 52 Projects goal in her monthly project…
The Pajama Party PJs for Big Kids!
One last pattern release to wrap up my new pattern list: The Pajama Party PJs in Big Kid Sizes! You’ll be able to sew matching (or not) pajamas with this pattern for all of your children. Just like the smaller version, this pattern includes the full-size pattern and instructions for sewing both summer and winter…
Fishsticks Designs in the Riley Blake Booth
I’m pretty sure that I’m the last one out here still blogging about Spring Quilt Market! Apparently, I’m a slow blogger. (Really, I am a slow blogger! I’m blown away by people who blog daily, and those who blog more than once a day? I have no idea how they sleep!) I just loved sewing…
It’s Skirt Week over at Crafterhours!
I’ve been so busy with family stuff (house selling, graduation, visiting family, etc.) and finishing up new patterns (nearly done!), that I almost let this year’s Skirt Week at crafterhours totally pass by! There are some amazing skirts popping up in the Flickr pools, and there’s still a little time to enter one of your…
New Spring/Summer 2012 Patterns are Now Available!
Just click the image to find the pattern! Remember that you can find all of my paper and pdf patterns right here: Fishsticks Designs Sewing Patterns
Everybody Ready for a Pajama Party? Don’t forget your Pajama Party PJs!
I’m such a lover of cute PJs on my little ones! I need lots of options. (That’s why I offer so many options!) This one, though, is definitely going to be one of my personal favorites. There is just something so appealing about the classic look of a woven button-up PJ top and pants. I…
Oh, Boy! It’s the Oh, Boy! Boxers!
Next up in my collection of new patterns is the Oh, Boy! Boxers. In sizes 2 all the way to size 14, your little and big boys are going to love having a collection of one-of-a-kind boxers! (The fun fabrics in my samples are all from Michael Miller.) These boxers can be sewn with a…