Oh, I hope you all love this one as much as my family does! The Playdate Bag pattern is one pattern that creates two bags–a messenger bag for mom and a backpack for her toddler. My daughters have already confiscated two of my original messenger bag prototypes for themselves, and I had to hide the…
Category: Sewing/Crafts
The Everyday Camp Shirt & The Which Way Out Jacket . . . In Big Kid Sizes!
Next on my list of new pattern releases: two of your favorites . . . now in sizes 5 to 14 for your big kids! The Everyday Camp Shirt is such a great choice for boys of any age. My boys wear them for everything from days at the zoo to Sunday mornings at church….
Spring Market, Michael Miller PUL and the Green Beginnings Cloth Diaper
Those of you who sew cloth diapers are going to love this news! Michael Miller Fabrics is releasing PUL! Excellent quality PUL in adorable Michael Miller prints! How cool is that?! I think those of you who don’t sew cloth diapers are going to love this PUL, too, though. It’s the perfect fabric for anything…
2012 Spring Quilt Market Booth Start to Finish
Now that I’m home and have had a day to recover a bit, I can’t wait to share details of my second Quilt Market! I took way more pictures this time than last, so I have a few posts that I’ll share over the next week or so. I’ll mix some new pattern reveals in,…
Quilt Market Time and a Fun Little Giveaway!
The last few weeks (months, really) at my house have been full of a whole lot of this: a little of this: and perhaps a bit too much of this: All of that was in preparation for Quilt Market this weekend! Ray and I arrived in Kansas City late in the afternoon yesterday. Booth setup…
Have you sewn a dress yet?
Have you sewn a dress for Dress a Girl with Hopeful Threads yet? You still have 5 1/2 days to add a dress to the over 100 already sewn and donated! Kristy has set a goal of 200 dresses total, and I know she’s going to far surpass that! I took one hour out of…
Texas Babies in the Texas Bluebonnets 52 (Family) Projects in 2012: #8, 9 & 10
I was up until midnight the night before Easter finishing up Easter outfits for Charlie, Jamie and Katie. (Seersucker, again, this year! It’s such a classic spring fabric. I love it!) I was so excited to get pictures of the little ones all together the next day. Sadly, though, storms rolled in during the Easter…
Embroidery Hoop Wall Pocket Fun!
Remember my Embroidery Hoop Wall Pockets pattern from Stitch Fall 2011? You can download it for free by clicking right here. We’ve been doing a little spring cleaning and reorganizing around here which has included my sewing area (pics to come soon), and I finally got around to hanging the samples that I made for…
Samantha’s Room Re-do 52 (Family) Projects in 2012: #5, 6 & 7
Samantha’s room was badly in need of some updating. The last time we decorated, she was 9, and while this room is cute at 9, it’s not so hot when you’re 14! A birthday room re-do was definitely in order! The wall mural had to go, but we left the paint color so that the…
Still Alive & Kickin’
I’m still here! See! Here’s a picture to prove it. Although, I swear I don’t have that many chins in real life! I think I have some kind of rare (or maybe not-so-rare) blog/email-induced attention disorder. It seems that whenever I sit down to type a blog post or answer emails, I’m quickly distracted by…