Joseph here is a little late. He was supposed to be done and on his way back home last week. His tardiness, however, was completely out of his control. Liz of Handmade by Liz Taylor hand embroidered the center pieces of the blocks for her turn at The Fresh Comfort Quilting Bee. Joseph was mine…
Category: Sewing/Crafts
The Inside or Out Pocket Pants
These have been in the works for some time. I keep leaving them, finding something that I need to change and setting them aside for later. I’ve finally fallen in love with them, and now they’re just about ready for testing. You can see the main pockets on the two pairs above. You can choose…
Upcycled Big Brother Fan Shirts
Our two oldest boys, Allen and Sean, both play football, and we love to go out to their games as a family to watch and cheer them on! We usually just buy one or two team shirts for the grown-ups because with a big family, t-shirt costs add up really quickly. This year, though, everyone…
Guest Stocking at The Apple Orchard
I’m guesting at The Apple Orchard tomorrow! I have five outfits that stock tomorrow night at 8:00 p. m. eastern. Here’s a little peek:
Tags! And a Few Updates
Look what came in the mail yesterday! I’ve been waiting as patiently as possible for these to arrive from Fancyweaver in Hong Kong. They did such a beautiful job with them. I’ll have some of these listed in my store later today in case you want to grab some to sew onto the things that…
Carnival Bloom Skirt & Pretty Binders
Believe it or not, I have been sewing a few things besides pillowcases. These binder covers are a bit of a preview of an idea that I have for Christmas presents. I sewed up the one above for storing my pattern ideas and sketches. I mentioned the idea of pretty fabric binder covers to Morgan,…
Happy 40th Birthday to Me . . . to Me . . .
40 pillowcases, sewn up over 40 days, are all finished in time to celebrate my 40th birthday! Thanks so much for cheering me on and joining in to sew with me! (In case you missed my 40 Day Challenge, you can read about it here.) I have a wonderful day planned today spent with friends…
Pillowcases 36, 37, 38, 39 & 40!
With no time to spare, here are pillowcases #36 and #37: Pirate Bears & Sea Turtles . . . . . . #38 and #39: Buggies & Froggies . . . . . . and last, but certainly not least, #40: Apples & Pears! This project was such a blessing to me, and I honestly…
Pillowcases 34 & 35 Are On Safari
The last five pillowcases are coming later today because my birthday (and my deadline) is tomorrow!
Pillowcases 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 & 33: More for the Boys
I did say that I was trying to do plenty of pillowcases that little boys would love, didn’t I? I think all seven of these fall well into that category! #27 & #28 Riding the Range #29 Sailing Away & #30 Dinosaurs! #31 Wee-Oh Wee-Oh Trucks, #32 Footballs & #33 Dirt Bikes Only two days…