I have a double baby shower to attend this weekend, and I’ve been working on gifts in my little bit of free time. One mom is expecting a baby girl, so I sewed up this sweet cupcake set for her. I used Rae’s Itty Bitty Baby Dress pattern for the dress. I love this pattern!…
Category: Sewing/Crafts
Fresh Comfort Quilt Blocks for February & March
I got a little sewing done this week! Just a few quilt blocks, and I had to do them in short blocks of time, but it was really nice to sew something. The two quilt blocks above are the ones that I did for me this month. The month of March is Barb’s at the…
Spring Top Week Is Coming!
Spring Top Week at Made by Rae is coming soon! I had so much fun sewing tops for me during last year’s challenge. You can check out my blog posts about the five tops I made here: Spring Tops 2009. With a new baby this year, I’m definitely not planning to sew that many tops!…
Skirts for Sewing Seeds for Haiti
I finished two skirts for the Sewing Seeds for Haiti project this afternoon! These are just simple 6-panel skirts with elastic waists, sized at about a girls 12-14. 12-year-old Samantha is modeling them in these pictures.
Diaper Bag Set for Mom and Baby
Yep, still pregnant and trying to stay busy until it’s time. Little bit really needed a diaper bag. I bought the fabric for it quite some time ago (Bloom and Grow by Riley Blake), but I hadn’t found just the right pattern. I know I could have made one up–I actually started to a…
Sock Monkeys and Elephants for Our Little Guy
Ah, the waiting . . . It’s interesting that when I reflect on the things that I’ve learned in life, I see how much God has taught me about waiting, yet I still find it hard to be patient and trust His timing. I am so ready for baby to be here, but…
An I-Spy Quilt for a Sweet Little Boy to Cuddle
A nine-year-old little boy from the local church where we’ve worshipped for the last several years passed away a little over a week ago. His name was Montana. Although we weren’t close friends with the family, we worshipped with them and our children went to Sunday School together, and my heart breaks for them….
A Valentines Swap for the Kids!
I am so excited that so many of you have so many questions about cloth-diapering! I’m working on an information post for you–hopefully, I’ll have it up in a few days. In the meantime, I wanted to share how much fun we had putting together this swap that was hosted on one of my favorite…
Diapers, Diapers and More Diapers . . . and they’re all cloth!
It’s getting close to time to welcome our new little one! We love using cloth diapers, and I especially enjoy sewing them myself. I’ve actually been working on diapers since not long after we found out that we were expecting. There are so many patterns available now, and they all have advantages. I thought I’d…
January Quilt Blocks for the Fresh Comfort Quilting Bee!
I recently finished up my first two blocks for the Fresh Comfort Virtual Quilting Bee. Katie asked for blocks designed around anything related to trees. The first block I designed myself using traditional flying geese blocks for the trees and piecing together the remaining parts of the block to resemble tree trunk, sky and grass….