This past Saturday was Visit Your Local Quilt Shop Day, so Samantha and I headed out to visit a local quilt shop that I’d found online, but hadn’t yet had a chance to see. Quilts and Lace is just a few minutes up the road from us, and I’m so excited to have found it….
Category: Sewing/Crafts
Comfy Pants for the Whole Family at Cutting Corners College!
I am so, so excited to be teaching at Riley Blake’s Cutting Corners College today! I would love if you’d click over and check out my tutorial for making comfortable knit pants for your whole family. There are tips for sewing with knit fabrics, instructions for making an elastic-free waistband, and directions for making your…
Chatting about Sewing Outerwear at GYCT
I’m visiting over at Get Your Crap Together today, sharing tips and ideas for sewing children’s outerwear. To check it out, just click on the picture above! And, as a total aside, the more I look at that photo, the more it looks like Jamie is about to swat Charlie. I promise he was really…
Selfish Sewing Week – My Plan
Selfish Sewing Week starts today! Do you have a plan? What are sewing for YOU?! I’m at that slightly awkward point in pregnancy where you don’t really look pregnant, but nothing fits anymore. I’ve been using the rubberband-around-the-button-and-through-the-buttonhole trick to fasten my jeans, but honestly, I’d rather just hang out in yoga pants and a…
Aprons with a Dash of LoveA New Create Hope Designs Pattern!
Have you seen that Hopeful Threads is doing a Create Hope Designs Sew-Along this month? If you’re not familiar with CHD, I encourage you to go read the project announcement for this month — it’ll give you a great overview: September CHD Sewalong. Oh, and don’t miss yesterday’s post all about China Little Flower, the…
The Jersey Love Blog Tour Kick-Off!
Guess what starts tomorrow morning?! The Jersey Love Blog Tour, that’s what! I am so excited about this group of sixteen amazing sewing bloggers who agreed to host the tour over the next two weeks! Each blogger chose a pattern from the first four patterns in my new Jersey Love series to sew and review,…
The Indygo Junction Casserole Carry-All Review & Giveaway!
I am so excited to share this cute casserole carrier with you guys! As fall approaches and the kids start back to school (or homeschool, in our case), opportunities to enjoy potluck-style gatherings start popping up all over. We always seem to be grabbing our dish from the oven and wrapping it up with all…
The Charlie Hoodie Sew-Along Day 4
It’s the last day of the Charlie Hoodie Sew-Along! Are you ready to finish up? If things at your house are like they are at mine, you’ve got a little one jumping up and down waiting impatiently for his motorcycle hoodie . . . and he doesn’t even care that it’s 98 degrees outside! He’s…
The Charlie Hoodie Sew-Along Day 3
Today’s task is quick and easy. If you followed along with last week’s Charlie Tee Sew-Along at Pattern Revolution, it’ll be even easier! We’re going to add the sleeves to our hoodies. Grab those sleeves and fold them in half to find the center of the curved edge. You can mark this with a disappearing…
The Charlie Hoodie Sew-Along Day 2
It’s Day 2 here at the Charlie Hoodie Sew-Along! How did your pocket sewing go yesterday? Ready to move on to the hood? Go ahead and grab the inner and outer hood pieces and let’s get started!Flip each one over so that the right sides are together and pin along the back curve. Sew or…