We’ve been working on decorating the room that Charlie and Jamie share for months now, and it’s finally done! I think it turned out so well! (I sort of want to just go stand in the doorway and enjoy it’s finished-ness. Am I the only one who does that?) My husband, Ray, has this ever-growing…
Category: Hem Me In
The Wonky House Quilt Block Tutorial
Welcome to the Fishsticks Designs Blog’s first quilt block tutorial! I am so excited about getting to be a part of the Around the Block Round Robin at Patchwork Posse! When Becky asked me if I’d like to join in by sharing my favorite quilt block, I knew right away what block that would be….
The Perfect Pattern Parcel #1
Oh, how I love finding opportunities for creative people like you and me to exercise our skills and give to others! Have you heard about the Perfect Pattern Parcel? Here’s what the founders have to say about this ingenious new program: About PPP: Put together two entrepreneurial makers driven by their internal voices and one…
Around the Block with Patchwork Posse: Block #5
This week’s Around the Block Round Robin block is The Granny Square from Elizabeth at Simple Simon and Company! I love the classic look of it. Granny squares bring to mind thoughts of simpler times, don’t they? And, the unusual way that this block is assembled is pretty cool. One of the reasons that I really like…
Huge PDF Pattern Updates are on the Way!
Some huge Fishsticks Designs PDF pattern updates are on the way! If you already love your Fishsticks Designs patterns, though, don’t worry! I’m not taking away anything that you’re already using. I’m just adding a list of things that I think will add to your enjoyment and do away with some frustrations. I’ll be working…
The Updated FREE Tank & The Red Carpet Awards!
I’m nearly bubbling over with excitement here! I have several new things to share with you over the next week or so, and I can’t wait to hear what you think about each of them! Today brings the first announcement: the re-release of the FREE Fishsticks Designs The Tank pattern (now in sizes 12 months…
Operation Pajama Drawer: Wrap Up & Winner!
I had such a great time sewing pajamas for my boys last month, and I love that they get to wear mama-made jammies every night now! Here’s what I accomplished (just click on the images for more information): For Charlie: For Jamie: For both boys: Ten pairs of pajamas done! Woo-hoo! And, you guys accomplished…
Operation Pajama Drawer: A Sort of Long Time Ago …
A sort of long time ago, in a town kind of far away, a sewing momma bought some Star Wars fabric for her two Younglings. The fabric went into hiding for a time, though, and these little ones waited and waited and waited. Then one day, the fabric reappeared, and the momma went to work…
Operation Pajama Drawer: Mixed & Matched Motorcycle Jammies
The month is over tomorrow! Are you finishing up PJs right now? You have until midnight eastern on 2/28 to add your photos to the Fishsticks Designs Flickr Group for a chance to win that $35 gift card to Simplifi Fabric!This last pair of Operation Pajama Drawer knit jammies for Charlie is a mixture of…
Around the Block with Patchwork Posse: Block #4
Whee! I finished this week’s Around the Block Round Robin block the same day as the post! I’m thankful that it was a quick one since I have three more pairs of PJs to finish and share before Friday. This week’s Ohio Star Block tutorial was shared by Tessa from The Sewing Chick. I so…