Jamie and I are participating in the Riley Blake Back-to-School Blog Tour today! He’s going into second grade this year, and, like most second-graders, he definitely has his own opinions. He’s been a little bit tough lately when it comes to letting me sew for and then photograph him. This time, I involved him in…
Category: Hem Me In
The Farmer’s Wife 1930s Sampler Quilt Prep
I’m so sorry that it’s been so quiet here this past week. We had a little one get sick, and my week was full of appointments, medications, treatments and so much driving. I feel like I buckled, unbuckled and re-buckled a thousand carseats over the last seven days! Thankfully, everyone is on the mend now,…
The Cultivate Blog Tour
Wheeee! I am so excited to be today’s stop on Bonnie Christine‘s Cultivate Blog Tour! Have you seen the beautiful fabrics that she’s designed for this collection? (And, do you know what a great name she has?)
Quick Quilted Coasters ~ A Tutorial
When Cubby and Tinkerbell came to stay with us in January, we had end tables in our livingroom that were sort of tall and narrow. They had nice varnished tops that didn’t need coasters. They weren’t very safe, though, with an almost two-year-old who climbs everything, and sometimes you just have to pick your battles….
Instagram Mini Quilt Swap Basics ~ Schnitzel & Boo Round 3
I mentioned before that I’ve jumped headfirst into the world of Instagram swapping, primarily IG mini quilt swapping. Round three of the Schnitzel & Boo Mini Quilt Swap was actually my second IG mini swap. I’m sharing it now because Round Four is open for sign-ups, and you might want to jump in! (Find out…
School Supplies for your Sewing Room!
I love back-to-school sales! I don’t just grab crayons and Elmers glue for my kids, though. I have a list of things that I stock up on this time of the year for my sewing studio, too! Do you do that? It’s the perfect time to purchase things that you can use all year at…
The Night before School Starts Pencil Case ~ A Tutorial
School starts back here in our neighborhood next Monday, and our kids begin their homeschool co-op classes on Tuesday. Doesn’t it feel like the summer just flew by?My list of things to do, prepare and purchase feels like it’s miles long, and I bet yours does, too! I love the idea of sending my little…
Back to Blogging!
Did you miss me? Er, maybe I should ask, is anyone still here?! It’s been a much longer break than I anticipated, but I think things are settled enough around our house that I can jump back into blogging regularly. I have a long, long list of things to share, including tons of quilting, some…
Ponies on a Katie J. Jumper
Miss Katie J. celebrated her 4th birthday early this month, and since she adores everything My Little Pony, she needed a pony-covered party dress! As seems usual lately, my schedule kept me hopping until the last minute, so I opted for a party dress pattern that I know well and can sew quickly – one…
Big & Little Boxers for $5 on the Friday Fiver!
My time off is drawing to a close, and I’m excited to share what I’ve been up to. That will have to wait until Monday, though. Today, I have something exciting for you – boxer patterns for $5! With the return of the busy back-to-school days of fall, now is the time to start filling…