Yes, February is over, but I’m not considering myself behind on this block since the next block doesn’t come out until Monday. (I almost called this Block #2, instead of the February Block, but I already called the first block January, so . . . )
The second Mystery Quilt Block in Riley Blake’s Quilt Block of the Month series is a paper-pieced, appliqued heart. The video was actually down on the weekend that I started my block so I just downloaded the pattern and used the freezer-paper piecing technique that I’m familiar with. It wasn’t until I watched the video a few days later that I realized my heart is pieced backwards. Who’s going to notice, right? Oh, and I stitched the right and left portions together first instead of the top and bottom portions. Ooops! It worked out, though!
My husband wandered in at about the point below and said, “I thought you were making a heart?” “It’s an abstract quilt, Dear.” Jina’s and Cindy’s blocks on the Riley Blake blog were finished using reverse applique. My “abstract” heart sat around here for over a week waiting to be trimmed into a non-abstract heart while I waffled back and forth over how I was going to finish it. In the end, though, lack of time thanks to a weekend lost to a nasty little stomach bug that attacked the whole family, led me to go with a quicker method. A little sewable iron-on adhesive coupled with the blanket-stitch on my sewing machine, and the applique was done.
Here’s my Heart Block all finished!
And here are the January and February blocks together. I think I’m ready for March!
I love your blocks..the colors, the polka dots…I’m doing the BOM also and having fun with it. I had just learned paper piecing and reverse applique so this was good practice to keep it fresh in my crazy spaced out head!!!!
I love the chevron made dots!! Which machine do you have for the blanket stitch? I love the look and I can’t seem to find a blanket stitch machine since I don’t know what the icon looks like! 🙁