How did your Kids Clothes Week sewing go? I hope you managed to make a good dent on your little ones’ sewing lists! I didn’t finished everything that was on my list, but I did get quite a bit done, and I’m excited to have some new PJs in my boys’ dressers. I’ve got one more KCW post coming later today or tomorrow morning, but first here are Jamie’s new Viking jammies!
I used my Pajama Party PJs pattern for these pajamas. It’s my go-to when I’m using quilting fabric. This organic cotton fabric, by the way, is amazing. Sadly, though, there’s not much of this Timeless Treasure Vikings fabric left out there online. (I had quite few people ask me about it when I showcased it in my Legos-on-the-Go Bag a few weeks ago.) I love the soft feel of it, and I feel good about my little guy sleeping in organic cotton. This tough guy, however, just loves that the fabric is covered in Vikings! He even showed off his best Viking poses for me in our little bedtime photo shoot.