Christmas sewing is officially finished! Yay! I’ll have more pictures to show of the things that I’ve made in the next week or two. (Some I can’t show yet because I have older children who read my blog!) Now that Christmas sewing is finished, I can move on to other things, and, although I do have a list of sewing to do for baby, I have another project that I want to get done, too.
This past summer, I got that redecorating bug. Do you ever get that? Where you just feel like you need to change up some things. I love displaying quilts in my home, so I thought we’d go hunting for a nice quilt to hang on the wall in the living room. In the process of hunting, we found a really nice quilt rack in need of a little repair at a local thrift shop, but that perfect quilt never appeared, so the rack sat in a closet, lonely and unloved. When Christmas rolled around, we pulled out the Christmas quilt that Ray’s mom gave us years ago and decided to hang it next to the tree. It looks beautiful on the repaired quilt rack and really cozies up the living room. Now, though, I have a problem. You see, the quilt rack is hung on the wall, and I have no quilt to replace the Christmas one that currently hangs there. What’s a mom who loves to sew to do? Why sew a quilt, of course!
There are a couple of really fun, modern quilting blogs up and running right now, so I decided to do a sampler quilt using block tutorials from a few different blogs. I really like modern quilting fabrics, but in decorating, I tend to go with more traditional fabrics. I tend to choose fabrics that have a comfortable, warm, cottage feel. I discovered the Wiscasset line of quilting fabric designed by Minick & Simpson for Moda and knew right away that it was perfect for the quilt that I want to create.
I’ve got three blocks ready to go into my quilt so far. That first one at the top is the Friendship Star from the Block Party blog. The second and third ones are from Modify Tradition: the Traditional Nine Patch and the Pinwheel.

I’ve also joined a virtual quilting bee based on the original Block Party bee. The one that I’ve joined is called Fresh Comfort, and you can find the blog here: I really need to get over there and post my introduction. Things get started there in January, and I’ll be blogging about the blocks that I create as we go along.
This is nice.