Challenge #1 for Season 2 of Sew-vivor was to sew something using the 2013 color of the year: Emerald, and I’m sewing along with the finalists! (I love enjoying the motivation without the stress of the competition.) I’m currently planning summer wardrobes for my two little guys so I focused on making some everyday wearables for each of them. It was so nice that the Emerald theme fell on this week since the Celebration of Life for my friend, Sheri, was held this past weekend. Sheri loved sewing and the color green, and since I wasn’t able to attend the service in Dallas, I enjoyed honoring her memory by sewing green tops for my little guys (and sneaking in the turtles that she loved, too)!
We headed out to the zoo yesterday after church to enjoy the beautiful weather. I had high hopes of getting good pictures of the boys in their shirts, but the sun was high in the sky, and neither one of them was in the mood for being cooperative. I did get a few pictures, though. (I loved that yesterday was St. Patrick’s Day, so the whole zoo was filled with green! It made me smile to think that people were celebrating Sheri’s memory along with us without even knowing!)
These v-neck pocket tees are my first drafts of a new pattern, so they need a little tweaking, but I’m so excited about having another option for quick and easy knit tops for my little guys.
The raw edge pocket is so simple to sew, and that little bit of curl that you get on the edges adds some casual fun! (The curl gets better with washing, especially if you’re using jersey.)
Those pockets are also great for storing any little treasures that you find along your path. (Charlie’s pocket was full of crushed, dried leaves when we came home last night.)
I couldn’t resist finishing these tees off with one more little reminder of Sheri, these sweet “Mama Made” turtle tags! I need to get back in the habit of sewing tags onto my handmades. They really do finish them off nicely!
Anyone else following along or sewing along with Sew-vivor? Did you sew anything green for St. Patrick’s Day?
Where do you find such cute knits?!?
Hi, April! Some of my favorite online shops for cotton knits are,, and The striped jersey here is actually a fabric overstock from Chez Ami: . They often have great stripes, and the prices are good, but you have to order in two-yard pieces.
Love those! Those stripes are adorable! And another great pattern to watch for! Yay!!
Sheri would be smiling at this