I’m nearly bubbling over with excitement here! I have several new things to share with you over the next week or so, and I can’t wait to hear what you think about each of them! Today brings the first announcement: the re-release of the FREE Fishsticks Designs The Tank pattern (now in sizes 12 months to 14)!
I’ve done quite a bit of work in revising my free The Tank pattern, adding big kid sizes and incorporating a big change that is coming soon to all of my PDF patterns. (You’re going to love it!)The Tank pattern is designed to be sewn with cotton and cotton blend knits — jersey, interlock or ribbed knits in the body and interlock or ribbing for the neckband and armholes.
The fit is narrower and longer than a standard tee, making it great for layering, but still perfect for wearing on its own. It also makes a great PJ top when paired with woven or knit lounge pants. (If you haven’t already, be sure to check out the appliqued tanks that I made for my seven-year-old last month!) Or, you can match it up with Undercover Bottoms Boxer Briefs for the perfect little boys’ undies set.
A little aside from the pattern itself, isn’t that the cutest fabric? My boys LOVE it! It came from a custom fabric group that you can find right here: Fabric Stache. If you’re looking for great knits with prints that you can’t find just anywhere, go visit! (They’re doing sew-alongs every other week right now with my knit patterns, too.)
Back to the subject at hand, to download the pattern, just click right here: The Tank Pattern. I’ll be back tomorrow with my next announcement, but if you’re already familiar with my PDF patterns, you’ll figure it out really quickly by scrolling through The Tank pattern!
I just have one, no, two last pictures to share before I wrap up this post. Because we live in Florida, tanks work well for us almost year-round. My little Florida babies, though, thought that they were going to freeze to death when I dragged them out to take pictures last week . . . in 65 degree weather!The “freezing cold” weather, however, did not stop them from insisting that I follow through with the promise of frozen yogurt after our photo session!
Thank you so much! I can’t wait for warm weather so I came make some of these for my boys!
WOW! Love all the printing options included and the larger sizes. Thank you very much
Thank you!!
I love the new change of being able to print out just the size you want. Awesome!
First of all thank you for the free pattern. Summer tees will be necessary soon, we hope *sigh* and if the boys think 65 is freezing tell them up in NYS we’ve gotten our Ice Age. LOL
Thanks so much for the free pattern! I love your work. If only I had more money (for fabric), storage space, and time, I would make more of your designs.
First thank you for the free pattern
This may be a really dumb question and I’m sorry but I don’t seem to have a piece for the neck trim or the armhole trim. If we’re not suppose to have it, can you offer any advice on how to cut it out?
Thank you so much!
Hi, Lia! So sorry to take a few days to respond! The measurements for the arm trim and the neckband are in the chart that you’ll see on the Front pattern piece on each size, as well as on the nested pattern. Just let me know if you’re still having trouble finding it!
This pattern is generous as a versatile freebie, and once again you show your talents for sewing and pattern design as well as for sharing! Thank-you So much! Idea: How about doing something with this super pattern for the girls? I mean, I certainly could use exactly what you’ve given in a more feminine fabric, but I wonder what could be done to embellish this and make it more girlie? (As I say this, the academic feminist in me cringes at talking about differentiating patterns like this for males and females, butr so it goes… We live and learn and have to stop and laugh at ourselves on occasion although I won’t stop being an academic feminist even though I want Hubs to open doors for me and help me on with coats! Blatant sexism????? LOL!) Judy
LOL, Judy! I totally get that! I like having certain rights (like owning my own business and voting!), but I also appreciate having doors opened for me! I have actually had in mind adding a free tank-dress pattern, but since fall is upon is now, it’s on my list for next spring.
I absolutely love that you have updated this with so many extra sizes! The Tank pattern is a firm favorite in our house and we use it for both daytime wear and pajamas for hot summer nights. Now I can use this pattern for all 3 of my children. Thank you!
Thank you, Leigh! I’m so glad to hear how much you’re enjoying this pattern! I agree that it’s a great pattern for use year-round.
I love this pattern Emily! I have started a new site dedicated to free sewing patterns for boys and have added this to that site.
this is such a great pattern! Thank you so much for creating and sharing this!!
wow thank you so much for this great pattern i made one up quickly last night in a really cute dino print for my 3 year old and it turned out perfect! he is wearing it under a long sleeve top today to keep out the winter chills! – infact this pattern is so fantastic i am already cutting out another for my almost 2 year old!!!!!
I’m wondering if the Charlie Tee hood could be hacked onto this? Thanks!
I am really enjoying this post while reading. I will share this blog with my friend. I hope you will share more and useful articles like custom A-shirts.
Thank you for the pattern
Tanks is super mooi
The Updated Free Tank on Hemmein offers a perfect blend of chic style and practicality, making it a fantastic addition to any wardrobe.
The Updated Free Tank on Hemmein offers a perfect blend of chic style and practicality, making it a fantastic addition to any wardrobe.
Thanks for sharing!