Yes! Christmas is coming, and if you’re like me and LOVE giving handmade gifts, don’t put off getting started. In case you happen to need some inspiration, there are two different handmade holiday series that I’ll be watching this month, and they both start today! Oh, and both have great giveaways in addition to the wonderful crafting ideas!
First up is the Holiday Bake, Craft & Sew Along at Skip to My Lou, According to Kelly and A Southern Fairytale. Cindy, Kelly & Rachel have gathered some of my favorite bloggers to share ideas for things you can sew, craft and bake for decorating, giving and eating. I’ll be popping in to share a sewing project at Skip to My Lou on the 21st!
Second, I couldn’t possibly make it through November without checking out the amazing compilations of tutorials, recipes and printables at Sew Mama Sew! Each day has a different gift theme and curator, so you’re sure to find something perfect for everyone on your list.
What are you waiting for? You only have 54 days! (Oh, really, who am I kidding? You all know that I’ll be up until the wee hours of the morning every night before Christmas finishing up something. A little confession? I actually enjoy those quiet late nights at my sewing machine . . . . shhhhhh! Now is definitely the time to start planning, though!)
I love those quiet moments as well! Let the sewing begin!